||Friends of the Library annual Mini-Golf Challenge

Friends of the Library annual Mini-Golf Challenge

To all Merrill Industries Customers and Colleagues,

During February we look forward to the Winter/ Spring forecast from Punxsutawney Phil, honoring two Presidents, and spending Valentine’s Day with our sweethearts.  For Merrill, however, we also look forward to a very special project to support the Hall Memorial Library in our home town of Ellington, Connecticut.  The “Friends of the Library” group hosts an annual Mini-Golf Challenge event collecting donations used to purchase needed items that are outside library budget funds.

So how did Merrill Industries get involved in supporting our local library?  In the fall of 2017, Francie Burger, Reference Librarian and Program Coordinator came to us in search of local companies to sponsor the event providing a mini-course.  She offered us the circa 1890 staircase and we gladly accepted the challenge!  And a challenge it is… comprised of a double set of stairs with landings in between, the course is 70 feet in length overall, and is engineered so the ball travels at a rate the golfer can walk down with it and make it to the bottom to see their ball enter the hole.

“This our second year of participation, Merrill Industries was a Co-Flagship Sponsor along with Ellington’s Kloter Farms. Throughout the year, our design team envisions and creates a course engineered to be challenging, fun, interactive and a visual experience for the player.  We develop each course using our corrugated and foam materials, presenting a course with a guaranteed “Hole-in-One” experience!  Final set-up happens the night prior to ensure fit and functionality. Event day we bring the pieces to the library and put it all together!  We are delighted, this year our course was played ‘more than once’ by many visitors!”  Rick Todd, Senior Designer at Merrill

Mr. Richard Wheeler, CEO Merrill Industries stated; “There is more to corrugated than just boxes and inserts; our talented design team has allowed their creativity to shine with the annual Ellington Library Mini-Golf Challenge.  We are pleased with the opportunity to give back to our community and our staff enjoys designing and crafting the mini-golf course each year – they continue to amaze!  We encourage you to visit Merrill’s new “News page” to view the Channel 3 News video of this annual event.”

About Hall Memorial Library:  Located at 93 Main Street in Ellington, CT; opened in 1903 as the town’s first public library of 5,000 sq. ft. and was built as a gift to the town from Francis Hall, to honor his father Judge John Hall and brother Edward Hall, headmasters of the Hall School.  The library was renovated in 1992 and continues to serve as a community resource for residents within its 19,000 sq. ft. building, providing reading materials in various formats, research materials, leisure and entertainment items, access to computers, and internet in a defined reading space, children’s room, and includes a picture gallery and meeting space on the second floor.  www.library.ellington-ct.gov

Thanks for reading!
Rick Wheeler, CEO
Merrill Industries, LLC

Golf course 1 Golf course 1 Golf course 1

2019-05-17T15:53:10+00:00February 19th, 2019|